Friday, May 10, 2013


I was just sitting, gazing at the never-ending input received by my neurons, which painted vivid images of beautiful illusions. On my comfortable bench, breathing the fresh spring air with the emerging scents of different new-born flowers, lay a body maneuvered by invisible strings that only exist outside of space and time. My body. The delicate fingers of a soul pulled my hand to my mouth and allowed me to take a puff of my rolled cigarette. The strings were connected to each pore of my skin. Each breath I took was a gift of God. Each time I took a breath, another would exhale his last, passing on part of their energy to the big soul that was pulling the strings of all the souls pulling human strings. In return, he would allow my soul to transmit another breath to me. The cycle of the universe was based on destruction and creation. But outside space and time, there was only multiplication. At our space-time stage, you only learn the basics – addition and subtraction. Up there, you’re taught the multiplication table of existence. Infinity is ever-expanding. Only God can count by how much. In our world, you have a set amount of energy. Ask Lavoisier. And because of this limitation, we have to make choices.
The universe is shedding martyr blood. The Tree of Life seeps it.
Today, we made pipelines to make this transfer more efficient. Our collective consciousness has amnesia. All the ancient cultures’ general knowledge is known today only by an incredibly small percentage of the world’s population. The big giant called the West is dressed nice, has a perfect body, but is mentally and spiritually challenged. He’s stronger than everyone else in the playground and rips apart everyone else’s drawings, kicks all the balls over the fence and steals everyone’s lunch money.
The geeks are too anti-social to gather and fight back against him.
I sneeze and wake from my daydream. Am I becoming allergic to this illusion?