Friday, September 5, 2014


Love is this path that demands to be walked. It’s a story that demands to be written. Every time you try to leave it, it follows you home and knocks on your door til you open. It smiles and comes in without letting you say a word, sits on your couch and starts telling you its problems, as if you didn’t have anything important to solve, like what to do with your life and how to do something without getting nudged every day by an incessant tick constantly reminding you of some promise you apparently made before you were born. Which stream of thoughts do I follow to get to the bottom of this? I tried thousands, and all lead to the same answer: I don’t know. Do I keep digging to find out if there’s any meaning to it or do I finally throw my shovel and yell “Abort mission!”? Who in their right mind would do either of those things? And who in their right mind would just sit and do nothing?! That’s what I mean by Stuck. I just want to swing, God damn it! What don’t you get?

"Reason becomes unreason when separated from the heart." - C. G. Jung