Saturday, February 15, 2014

Follow Your Dream

You didn't do anything to deserve life.
That’s yet to be done.
And that’s the whole purpose of it.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Manifest Your Dream Through Intuition

Most people still think that following dreams is childish bullshit
And then wonder why they can’t find happiness, well no shit
You chose to abide to an illusory vision
Instead of fucking the system and following your heart’s mission
It’s your God-given gift, along with an inner voice guiding
You have infinite potential, wasted on a numbing routine
Imagine all that effort put in to build your own heaven
Just quit your job and take the risk to follow your passion
Instead of living my whole life groaning, I’d rather die laughing
So get up off your knees, face the dragon and bash him
Don’t worry what other might think, cuz their mind is poisoned
Worry what you’ll think on your deathbed, all confused and broken
Cuz you left the world without leaving behind your real legacy
And now there’s no turning back like cutting your wrists vertically
Ignorance isn’t wrong, it’s natural, no one knows everything
Self-righteous belief in a lie is wrong, you gotta stop and think


We will not be forgotten
Lest we forget ourselves.
The tales that we have trodden
Will forever ring like bells.

Each moment we have cherished
Is in itself regained
It shows we can attain
A grain of the heavens.


My mind doesn’t believe anything. It doesn’t understand its own existence either. It cannot explain anything. Thus, for the mind, all is void of meaning, for it lacks understanding of it. Is the mind, then, actually void of meaning in itself? And thus disposable?
But of course not. The mind is a wonder. What is the mind?
I wonder.
If not mystery.
Then why would God listen to it?
I’d love a show, He says.
And we play.
We act.
We paint.
We sing.
He’s sitting front row, but the light’s on us, so we can’t see Him.
This is a dream.
It feels so warm.
When are we leaving?
You can leave each moment, because each moment is breathtaking.
Manifesting beauty through a dream.
We are intonations of God.
But there are no strings.
Somehow, we have found our freedom.
This is so beautiful, I cannot comprehend it, says the mind.
Shh, says God. Just watch.


Our physical body perishes, but our experience, if intense enough, remains like a scent in the world.
Through a tiny hole, I see the light. I’m holding a hammer in my hand, and the broken wall thinks it stands a chance against me.

Follow The Plan

You need to synchronise with what you’re looking for
Stop looking for a cure
You are the cure
The world is waiting for you to do your job
Follow your plan, intuition
Centered abyss – pupil
Reflection of ignorance
Desire to learn
Follow the plan
You’re free if you align with the truth
The truth is your passion
If you don’t follow it you lie to yourself
Stop doubting yourself

Do something.

Summer… My heart cries Summer

Tis’ summer in my heart
Though winter’s shivers spark
Taken aback by lust
Desert’s essence – dust

Whenever the mind stumbles
The heart offers its warm hand
The clumsy mind fumbles
And struggles to misunderstand.

A tear engulfs both road partners
Sliding on a lotus petal
The mind just sees the darkness
While the heart swirls around in dreams
To wake up on a rainbow.

The mind turns on the light of reason
Swollen by deceit and failure
Self-perpetuating treason
Thread of an obsessed tailor.
Boat of a hedonistic sailor.


- Not yet!
But if technology betrays me
Who is there left to trust?
Another mind?
But it’s so hard to find…
Who am I?


The boat crashes –
Flooded by the self-revealing mirror

It’s not a secret
It’s just unspeakable
Found within
(The never-ending chapter)

Each night,
The heart’s last step is bookmarked.
Allowing itself to fall –
To rejoice in mystery
And reveal itself through rebirth.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

A Symptom of Expansion of Awareness

At the cognitive level, a symptom of expansion of awareness is a constant shift of attention, not as a lack of capacity to focus, but rather the fact that you notice so many things on so many different levels, and you start understanding certain things that you cannot even express, not even in thoughts. You just see a bigger picture form in your mind, but you also feel it. It’s an experience of connection with the Source. It feels like floating in your mind, looking around… looking through a lens and seeing what you would normally perceive as a kaleidoscopic image, but this time it all fits together in one piece, united, connected, synchronised and most important of all, full of meaning. It thus gives the person having the experience a meaning and a knowing that if they trust and follow their intuition, they will fulfill their purpose in life and give it true meaning.