Wednesday, October 30, 2013


"Because we live in such a mind-dominated culture, most modern art, architecture, music, and literature are devoid of beauty, of inner essence, with very few exceptions. The reason is that the people who create those things cannot - even for a moment - free themselves from their mind. So they are never in touch with that place within where true creativity and beauty arise. The mind left to itself creates monstrosities, and not only in art galleries. Look at our urban landscapes and industrial wastelands. No civilization has ever produced so much ugliness."
Eckhart Tolle - The Power of Now

Bringer of Light

When I started writing this, I put on Beethoven’s 9th symphony so I could feel the light trickle down from my fingers into words that would echo throughout eternity.
How useful are labels? They’re good so you don’t mix things up. But if everything is one, how could you mix things up? There’s only one thing. So how can you tell me “no” when I tell you I am happy. How can you label and limit my existence with one word? You cannot. No one but me has the power to do that to myself. And I will never do that again. I am free forever. Evil has lost me. I have triumphed against the Devil. He has lost already. He cannot even see me anymore. It’s like I don’t exist for him. He’s being sceptical about my existence. Oh, I exist alright, but not to you. You’re too blind to see me now. My soul is pouring so much light out of it that if you would open the door to where I’m hiding, it would overflow and you would drown in it. So come, look for me, find me. You will die doing so. But you’re free to do whatever you want. I’ll just sit here and wait.
I’m waiting as Jesus told us to be as servants waiting for the return of their master. I am a humble servant of the Light. I travel through infinity and measure it just so I can tell Him, look Dad, I made a sand castle! Isn’t it beautiful? And He will respond, in all honesty, “Yes son, it is the most beautiful sand castle ever built.” Because that’s what I want to build for Him. I want to show him that my love is capable of not only moving mountains, but of moving souls from Hell to Heaven. I will be a Bringer of Light in this world where everyone aims their guns at the moon. Because of my existence stabilising the balance of Life, their bullets will ricochet and hit their egos right in the heart. And it will vanish forever, and we will all live free, happily ever after. Everything is beautiful, because that’s what my ego admitted on its deathbed. Everything is beautiful, because when I open my eyes in the morning, I get pulled into a collective consciousness creating itself. And if it knew that it was creating itself, it would make everything beautiful. But the universe is an illusion. It is a beautiful illusion. We can turn it into the reflection of true beauty. We will experience true beauty anyway. All of us. No exception. Because through all of our ups and downs, we built this world. And if we choose to tear it down, we can go out with a blast, like Kurt Cobain, and it will be the most beautiful blasts of all. It will be like fireworks. And then God will catch the light from the fireworks and caress them as he puts them back in his pocket. 

Friday, October 25, 2013


"The mind cannot know the tree. It can only know facts or information about the tree.
My mind cannot know you, only labels, judgments, facts, and opinions about you. Being
alone knows directly."

"Being is the eternal, ever-present One Life beyond the myriad forms of life that
are subject to birth and death. However, Being is not only beyond but also deep
within every form as its innermost invisible and indestructible essence. This means
that it is accessible to you now as your own deepest self, your true nature. But don't
seek to grasp it with your mind. Don't try to understand it. You can know it only when
the mind is still, when you are present, fully and intensely in the Now.... To regain
awareness of Being and to abide in that state of `feeling-realization' is enlightenment."

Eckhart Tolle - The Power of Now

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Autumn… My heart cries Autumn

Through leaves and sorrows I crawl
Not miserable at all, just close to fall
The wind sprays away its scents of heaven
And windows open in my heart.

I look at the bloodied streets in awe
They resonate with my deepest fire
The fire that burns darkness like a rusty paper
Which bursts with the smoke of the Creator.

A broken chord is tuned by Autumn
Its arrival heard by deaf souls
Aching to climb from the bottom
And to be liberated from their roles.

The paper's shadow pushes them back
As layers of dust hug each other on their minds
And they become abundant in the spark they lack
To get the burden of broken belief off their back.

And He keeps spraying, but cringing, they hide
Behind the wall of fear, feeling the need to abide
Still wanting to climb, being grasped by the hand of their own hate
Easily cut short by the yellow leaves flying on the wind’s weight.

But the glass of consciousness is filled with love
Elegantly swinging in the hand of a dove
As she dances hypnotically to life’s ups and downs
Dizzy, yet alert, with no hesitation to the sounds.

As the Sun comes out and my cheeks are smothered by lazy light,
My eyes become hosts of joy, cleansed by nature’s might
As the shadows collapse under the shaky coloured sheets
Falling victims of themselves, being engulfed in eternal sleep.

Thus the stillness of Creation, sparkling like a diamond
Is stirred in her glass with a spoon of honey, timeless
And defiant of illusions, embracing the Light,
As she gently kisses innocence goodnight.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Truth is Absolute

If we know everything through comparisons, how do we know we're alive?


The jar is empty. You should look in it until you find something.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Nothing is the child of everything.
So is everything.
If so...
Nothing is also divine.